
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Delicious Quick Chicken Soup

Since childhood I have tasted many version of chicken soup and every time I am impressed with each style of cooking. But as you know I always try to find out the super easy way to make something delicious. This Friday I try out the most easy and delicious way of cooking chicken soup and I hope you like this easy ,quick, comfy and healthy chicken soup.

Chicken     300 gm(with bone or boneless)
Potato       4 to 6 big chunks
Raw papaya (skinned and deseeded) 6 to 8 big chunks 
Carrots  6 to 8 big chunks
Tomato  2 small  cut into halves
Onion    1  big cut into four halves
Garlic     6 to 8 cloves
Ginger    1 tea spoon grated
Green chilly  1 chopped (optional)
Bay leaves  2
Cardamom and cinnamon powder  1 pinch each
Chicken seasoning cube   1
Sugar    1/2  tea spoon
Salt and pepper   to taste
Fresh coriander leaf  hand full chopped
Lemon wedge     1
Butter/ diet butter  1 teaspoon (optional)
Water   5 cups 


Take a pan a put all the ingredients in it except butter and lemon wedge. Now cook for 30 minutes or until the chicken is done. Add butter if you want, then garnish it with lemon wedge . Serve hot.Your delicious comfy chicken soup is ready to relish. Now relish this quick comfy chicken soup.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.



  1. Wonderfully healthy & tempting recipe!!!!

  2. That looks so good. Awesome addition with the papaya! I bet that gives it a really unique (and delicious) flavor :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ah, the ultimate in comfort food especially with the cold temperatures hanging around for another week. Great post!

  4. Such great flavors, I like the addition of cardamom and cinnamon and papaya, nice!

  5. Pure comfort food ~ nicely presented!
    US Masala

  6. I like almost all kinds of chicken soup

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment.
    Soup looks yummy, flavourful, tasty and tempting.

  8. Chicken soup is s soothing and comforting and if it is quick and easy then it is even better!
