
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fruity Nutty Tangy Snacks

This Friday I inivited few of my friend to my place and as you know when friends meets it is the most informal gathering of its type. As the temparature in my place is rising up everyday so I thought why not serve something light and delicious so I make some awesome finger foods for them , I prepare few batches of Fruity Nutty Tangy snacks and Mexican style pinwheel sandwhich and a delicious cool fruit punch. I will share all the recipes with you starting with fruity nutty snacks.I am sure you will love this bite size pieces. This are not intended to fill anyone up but to pep up the stimulating conversation in your party.
For one batch
Round crispy salty snacks   10 
Small cheese slice    10 
Almond          10 (dry roasted)
Grapes          10 (slit the head portion )
Onion           2 table spoon finely chopped
Red and yellow bell pepper 2 table spoon finely chopped     
Olive oil/vegetable oil  1/2  teaspoon
Salt and pepper     a small pinch
Fresh mint leaves   10 

Tamarind Dates chutney
Tamarind pulp  1 small cup 
Deseed date paste 1 table spoon
Ginger juice      1/2  teaspoon
Caynenne powder  a pinch
Black pepper    a pinch
Sugar           2 heaping tablespoon
Salt            to taste
Vegetable oil   1 teaspoon


For Tamarind Dates chutney:
Soak fresh tamarind 1 small cup in warm water for half an hour, mash tamarind in water with hand or help of a flat spoon thoroughly. Sieve and drain the water and pulp with help of big net strainer.Now with it mix all the chutney ingredients then boil it for 3 to 4 minutes until the sugar(if you want it to be more sweet then you can add little more to your taste) get melted and it gets thick. Cool on room temperature and store in fridge for later use.
Now in a pan take half teaspoon of oil and saute onion and the bell peppers with a little pinch of salt and pepper for just a few second and then put off the flame.Now take the buiscuits put cheese slice on it then place sauteed onion and pepper and then place grapes and toasted almond on it and then drip the adrop or two of the chutney above it and place the mint leaves. Then make your mouth wide open and just put the whole thing and munch. The sweet and salty cheesy nutty juicy munch is a real experience to savour. This finger food is very quick to make if you have some prior preparation. A quick tip – if you don’t have the time to make tamarind chutney then you can drip tomoto sauce or any sauce or chutney of your choice or that is handy and let me know how it goes with it. This can be a great snacks for any party and I am sure your guest will enjoy. Have fun!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.



  1. What a tasty and creative snack! This might be a lifesaver when I'm around all the barbecue buffets this weekend!

  2. I think before my guests could enjoy these fantastic looking snack, I would finish half of these by myself! Looks addictive! :)

  3. guess what, make somethg similar with cracker biscuits, this platter looks awesome, pass it on !

  4. Beautiful snacks...! These must be great for parties too :).

  5. Nice! I love the tangy taste of tamarind so I bet that chutney is out of this world! Great party food :) Thanks for sharing

  6. OMG..this is one delicious looking bite sized snack..I am inviting myself to ur place.

  7. Hi Sutapa, Just stopping by to say thank you for trying out my favourite fish dish. I'm really glad that you and your family enjoyed it! Have a lovely week!

  8. Absolutely loved the idea ~ looks finger licking delicious!
    US Masala
