
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Paneer Kebabs In Indian Curry Sauce

Today I am going to share with you a very delicious Indian recipe Paneer kebabs in Indian curry sauce. This recipe is already super hit in my house and all enjoy this recipe very much. The specialty of this recipe is that it has some very unique Indian spice and as it is grilled and not fried so it is not the greasy version which every health conscious guest avoid nowadays. In this recipe I am using Panch Phoran (Indian five spices this is a mixture of fennel seed, nigella, cumin, fenugreek seed and carom seed.) You can take a teaspoon of each and mix and store. You can add this to vegetable curry and it give a very unique flavor. You can experiment with this five spice and let me know how it come out. I have a successful experiment ready for you and I hope you will like it.

Paneer/ tofu    200 gram  grated
Cumin powder  2 tea spoon
Coriander powder 2 tea spoon
Red chilly powder  1 tea spoon
Turmeric powder   1/2  tea spoon
All purpose flour     2 table spoon
Onion  1 chopped
Ginger garlic  paste  1 tea spoon
Ginger jullian   ½ teaspoon
Tomato paste   3 table spoon
Water    1/2  cup
Panch phoran  ½ teaspoon
Fresh Cream    1 table spoon
Lime  juice    1 tea spoon
Lime  leaves   2  (optional)
Sugar   1/4  tea spoon (optional)
Salt  and pepper    to taste
Vegetable oil   2 table spoon
Clarified  butter  1 table spoon (optional)


In a bowl take grated paneer or tofu and add 1 teaspoon of cumin and coriander powder, ½ teaspoon of chilly powder, pinch of turmeric powder, flour and mix well with soft hands. Now give them shape of kebabs and pan grill them, brush little clarified butter( if using) or oil while you grill them. Now take another pan and heat oil add panch phoran as it stars to splutter add the chopped onion and sugar stir for a minute as the onions become transparent add ginger garlic paste. Stir and then add tomato paste and rest of chilly powder, turmeric powder, cumin and coriander powder, stir all spices so that they get well blended with each other for 1 to 2 minutes but don’t burn it add water and let it boil. Adjust seasoning Then add cream mix and put off the flame . Now add lime juice and dip lime leaves into the curry sauce. Cover the pan with a lid and let the fresh flavor of lime blend with the curry. Now place your kebabs in your serving plate and pour this sauce over it garnish with ginger jullians. Your Paneer kebabs with Indian curry sauce is ready, this is very refreshing and super delicious . I am sure you will give it a try . If you don’t have panch phoran go with cumin seeds and if chilly powder sounds bit too hot then use black pepper and if you don’t get lime leaves then use lime zest , I think with this substitute also this paneer kebabs in Indian curry sauce will rock your dinner table.
With this Indian Curry Sauce and Kebab recipe let me share with you a video which I shoot in ISKCON Ratha yatra festival at my city Kolkata. You will get some beautiful classical taste of Indian culture in this video so don’t miss to see the true essence of India while you relish the kebabs.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.



  1. Those must taste oh so good! A great combination.



  2. Yum! This looks like a great dish to make with paneer!

  3. Curry sounds so delicious with these healthy kebabas.

  4. This sounds wonderful. I use fenugreek and fennel for healing. The fenugreek has a smell all its own.

    One day, we were in Las Vegas and when I walked past the Housekeeping door in our motel, I could smell fenugreek. One of the ladies must of been having a cup of fenugreek tea.

  5. Definitely prefer the grilled version :) Sounds delicious!

  6. Goodness ~ that looks so mouthwatering!!

  7. love how this is with tofu, grilled, and just so flavorful!

  8. I like dishes with addition of Indian spices in them. Delicious.

  9. this looks delicious :-) and love festivals like this thanks for the kind comment on my blog

  10. I haven't had paneer kebab before looks wonderful with the sauce

  11. These look scrumptious. I have never had a kebab in a curry but sounds tasty!

  12. Very interesting and innovative recipe. Looks delicious and spicy.

  13. I ate a lot of paneer dishes but never really tried this. Looks delicious.

  14. Eeeerrr... you're tempting me for more curry! Slurp.....
